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· Inspirer ·

The metaverse is where billions of people may spend their time online in the future, while NFT fashion will be a great opportunity for fashion designers. Al is used in this project as a generator of inspiration, which proved to be vital for fashion designers.

It is an experimental project to study a form of corporation between human and computer, in which coniputer become a designer partner to human.

2022/3-5 Individual Project

Tools : Figma, StyleGAN2, Google Colab, PIFuHD, Cinema4D


The metaverse is the next big technology platform, attracting online game makers, social networks and other technology leaders. An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, and videos.

Metaverse market-value & popularity

The debut sale of NFTs on Sotheby’s Metaverse platform generated nearly 18.7 million USD.

· Since the pandemic caused everyone to stay home, NFTs saw an increase of $2.5 billion during the pandemic’s peak.

· Metaverse received over 84,000 mentions on social media in 2021.

NFT fashion market

Reference: Bloomberg Professional Services; Statistic; United Nations Partnership on Sustainable Fashion and the SDG’s; Morgan Stanley

· Famous fashion brands start to digitally transform fashion by cooperating with metaverse platforms.

· Metaverse and NFT market have massive growth potential.
· In recent years, the fashion industry has shown tremendous effort to digitally transform and adapt fashion in the digital era.

Recent Flow

· Inspiration collection and development play important roles in fashion design.
· At present, the process of NFT fashion design barely digitized traditional fashion design.

Case Study

Target : How inspirations developed into elements like fabric,pattern and shape, and the terminal sketch.

Method : Observe the design process of different designers with the similar inspiration of ‘ancient building’.

Information source : Posted portfolios of fashion designers

Even with similar inspiration, the outcome will be unpredictable various according to different style and perspective of different designers.

NFT Trend

Compared to physical factors, NFT fashion design focus more on visual effect .



AI is seen as a technology that can help create the environment, applications and scenarios of the metaverse.


Application of StyleGAN

Experiment Concept

1. Try to find out technical tools that can help fashion designers design for metaverse.

2. Will be used to help with further design of user experienses.


Experiment Conclusion

How might we …

Design a platform

that gives designers inspirational model of NFT fashion by human-computer coordination.




Get endless inspiration with your AI design partner!